• Wonder Bars - by Stencil Genie Stencil Holders for Larger Cookies 600Wonder Bars - by Stencil Genie Stencil Holders for Larger Cookies 600
  •  CA$13.95 

    In Stock
  • These "Wonderbars" attach to your Stencil Genie creating an open space to accommodate larger cookies or cookies on sticks! The bars are 1/4" thick and work great on cookies from 1/4" and up.

    The set comes with two bars. You will need to have a stencil genie to use these.


    1. Place your stencil on Frame B of your Stencil Genie
    2. Attach the Wonderbars to two opposing sides of Frame B
  • 654310010002 UPC/EAN:
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